How We Work

Product's Packaging

We care for the goodwill associated with us and therefore have formulated an optimum structure of quality control mechanism. Quality of the product is rigorously checked through out the production process and all the concerned aspects are thoroughly examined lot wise as well as individually.


At the pre-cleaning stage we ensure the removal of dust particles, mud bodies, broken seeds, etc, making the food grains ready for packaging and fumigation process.


We use new and Sound Gunny Bags with proper stitching for packaging purpose. The products are individually packed with due diligence to ensure safety. High quality, environment friendly packaging materials are used for this purpose.

Customer Satisfaction

Our clients can avail from us different types of Indian Pulses & Rice that are supplied to our clients in national markets. These Indian Pulses are processed using reliable farming techniques. This helps us in ensuring purity and high nutrition value in these pulses. Our range of Indian pulses & Rice match up with international standards.